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SmartDraft v24.2.0, productivity tools for AutoCAD, Civil 3D, BricsCAD
сообщение 3.01.2020 - 20:32
Сообщение #21

Торговец чёрным деревом
Иконка группы

Группа: Админы
Пользователь №: 3953
Сообщений: 22557
Регистрация: 1.08.2003
Из: Москва
Загружено: 1.2 TB
Скачано: 360.63 мегабайт
Коэффициент: 3,489.96
Спасибо сказали: 60254 раз(а)

SmartDraft v24.2.0 for AutoCAD & Civil 3D up to 2025 version

SmartDraft, established in 1989, set its mission to provide powerful productivity tools for Civil Engineers, Surveyors, Land Planners, and Mapping professionals, with a focus on providing low cost and comprehensive software solutions. SmartDraft provides the Engineering communities with the tools necessary to create civil engineering plan sets more rapidly and consistently than AutoCAD products straight out of the box. Why? The computer does what it is good at - repetition and following directions. What this means to you, the Design Professional, is that you can spend less time trying to manually make your plan sets follow standards and instead focus on making sure they contain the necessary design information.


SmartDraft Suite is our comprehensive set of AutoCAD® productivity enhancements. Suite provides tools for labeling plan and profile design, site layout, managing block (symbol) libraries, point placement and labeling, and many general drafting enhancements. These tools are tailored to civil engineers, surveyors, mapping professionals, and drafting professionals. SmartDraft PConnect and HEC-RAS Tools are optional addition to SmartDraft Suite.

SmartDraft Survey is a subset of SmartDraft Suite which focuses on surveyors and mapping professionals. Survey provides tools to label and modify labels of lines and curves with bearings, distances, deltas, radii, tangents, etc. Survey also offers tools to place and label points, create closure reports, and write legal descriptions from polylines or parcels, as well as tools for planview layout. SmartDraft PConnect is an optional addition to SmartDraft Survey

SmartDraft PConnect is an easy to use and superior point-connection tool designed to combine the best features of attributed point coding with an easily controlled, yet powerful, 2D and 3D line control language. PConnect's enhanced suffix codes give the operator increased flexibility and the ability to produce automated linework and layering. PConnect can use your company's specific description keys, combined with its suffix codes, to create robust geometry from surveyed data collected in the field. The linework is drawn on specified layers as defined by a Description Key Style file.

SmartDraft Construction Notes tools automates the process of placing construction notes and creating a construction notes table or list. Use reference symbol only, leaders with reference symbol, multiple leader with reference symbol, leaders with text, or leader, reference symbol, and text Once the construction note reference symbols are placed, a construction notes table can be created from the symbols.

SmartDraft HEC-RAS Tools provide an excellent set of tools for exchanging data between Civil 3D and HEC-RAS. Create a HEC-RAS data file from section lines, an alignment, and a surface. Create section lines at specified stations along an alignment. Import a HEC-RAS floodplain line into Civil 3D. Draw HEC-HAS Cross Section in Civil 3D.

More info: http://smartdraft.com/commandlist.htm

+ = link.
101 Mb (RAR5, incl. 3% - info for restoration purpose)

SmartDraft v21.0.18 for AutoCAD & Civil 3D 2012-2022
with the new magic permanent registration info

SmartDraft, established in 1989, set its mission to provide powerful productivity tools for Civil Engineers, Surveyors, Land Planners, and Mapping professionals, with a focus on providing low cost and comprehensive software solutions. SmartDraft provides the Engineering communities with the tools necessary to create civil engineering plan sets more rapidly and consistently than AutoCAD products straight out of the box. Why? The computer does what it is good at - repetition and following directions. What this means to you, the Design Professional, is that you can spend less time trying to manually make your plan sets follow standards and instead focus on making sure they contain the necessary design information.


SmartDraft Suite is our comprehensive set of AutoCAD® productivity enhancements. Suite provides tools for labeling plan and profile design, site layout, managing block (symbol) libraries, point placement and labeling, and many general drafting enhancements. These tools are tailored to civil engineers, surveyors, mapping professionals, and drafting professionals. SmartDraft PConnect and HEC-RAS Tools are optional addition to SmartDraft Suite.

SmartDraft Survey is a subset of SmartDraft Suite which focuses on surveyors and mapping professionals. Survey provides tools to label and modify labels of lines and curves with bearings, distances, deltas, radii, tangents, etc. Survey also offers tools to place and label points, create closure reports, and write legal descriptions from polylines or parcels, as well as tools for planview layout. SmartDraft PConnect is an optional addition to SmartDraft Survey

SmartDraft PConnect is an easy to use and superior point-connection tool designed to combine the best features of attributed point coding with an easily controlled, yet powerful, 2D and 3D line control language. PConnect's enhanced suffix codes give the operator increased flexibility and the ability to produce automated linework and layering. PConnect can use your company's specific description keys, combined with its suffix codes, to create robust geometry from surveyed data collected in the field. The linework is drawn on specified layers as defined by a Description Key Style file.

SmartDraft Construction Notes tools automates the process of placing construction notes and creating a construction notes table or list. Use reference symbol only, leaders with reference symbol, multiple leader with reference symbol, leaders with text, or leader, reference symbol, and text Once the construction note reference symbols are placed, a construction notes table can be created from the symbols.

SmartDraft HEC-RAS Tools provide an excellent set of tools for exchanging data between Civil 3D and HEC-RAS. Create a HEC-RAS data file from section lines, an alignment, and a surface. Create section lines at specified stations along an alignment. Import a HEC-RAS floodplain line into Civil 3D. Draw HEC-HAS Cross Section in Civil 3D.

More info: http://smartdraft.com/commandlist.htm

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сообщение 21.01.2020 - 21:20
Сообщение #22

Иконка группы

Группа: Пользователи
Пользователь №: 152898
Сообщений: 147
Регистрация: 29.03.2012
Загружено: байт
Скачано: байт
Коэффициент: ---
Спасибо сказали: 260 раз(а)

You had chosen the option Suite.
Give a try to install again and select Survey.

Perhaps it will work but I didn't try.

Let us know if it works this way.
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сообщение 10.05.2020 - 19:23
Сообщение #23

Иконка группы

Группа: Пользователи
Пользователь №: 190124
Сообщений: 332
Регистрация: 4.04.2017
Загружено: байт
Скачано: байт
Коэффициент: ---
Спасибо сказали: 118 раз(а)

I did everything according to instruction, but SURVEY section is grayed out, where you need to put SERIAL number, why is it so? Its not isntalled? I check SUITE version

Цитата(loshlosh @ 19.01.2020 - 22:08) *
does anyone have any idea why it is not activated
construction notes
even though you install the suite version

Have you solved this problem?
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сообщение 28.01.2021 - 13:31
Сообщение #24

Иконка группы

Группа: Пользователи
Пользователь №: 139567
Сообщений: 11
Регистрация: 21.10.2010
Загружено: байт
Скачано: байт
Коэффициент: ---
Спасибо сказали: 0 раз(а)

I also need the survey suite. Anyone succeded?
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сообщение 6.10.2021 - 18:49
Сообщение #25

Из местных
Иконка группы

Группа: Teamer
Пользователь №: 196535
Сообщений: 67
Регистрация: 9.05.2019
Загружено: байт
Скачано: байт
Коэффициент: ---
Спасибо сказали: 88 раз(а)

Someone Please cure this new version of SmartDraft v21 for us

updated for AutoCAD and Civil 3D 2021-2022, download link below


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сообщение 14.10.2021 - 22:57
Сообщение #26

Торговец чёрным деревом
Иконка группы

Группа: Админы
Пользователь №: 3953
Сообщений: 22557
Регистрация: 1.08.2003
Из: Москва
Загружено: 1.2 TB
Скачано: 360.63 мегабайт
Коэффициент: 3,489.96
Спасибо сказали: 60254 раз(а)

SmartDraft v21.0.16 for AutoCAD & Civil 3D 2012-2022

SmartDraft, established in 1989, set its mission to provide powerful productivity tools for Civil Engineers, Surveyors, Land Planners, and Mapping professionals, with a focus on providing low cost and comprehensive software solutions. SmartDraft provides the Engineering communities with the tools necessary to create civil engineering plan sets more rapidly and consistently than AutoCAD products straight out of the box. Why? The computer does what it is good at - repetition and following directions. What this means to you, the Design Professional, is that you can spend less time trying to manually make your plan sets follow standards and instead focus on making sure they contain the necessary design information.


SmartDraft Suite is our comprehensive set of AutoCAD® productivity enhancements. Suite provides tools for labeling plan and profile design, site layout, managing block (symbol) libraries, point placement and labeling, and many general drafting enhancements. These tools are tailored to civil engineers, surveyors, mapping professionals, and drafting professionals. SmartDraft PConnect and HEC-RAS Tools are optional addition to SmartDraft Suite.

SmartDraft Survey is a subset of SmartDraft Suite which focuses on surveyors and mapping professionals. Survey provides tools to label and modify labels of lines and curves with bearings, distances, deltas, radii, tangents, etc. Survey also offers tools to place and label points, create closure reports, and write legal descriptions from polylines or parcels, as well as tools for planview layout. SmartDraft PConnect is an optional addition to SmartDraft Survey

SmartDraft PConnect is an easy to use and superior point-connection tool designed to combine the best features of attributed point coding with an easily controlled, yet powerful, 2D and 3D line control language. PConnect's enhanced suffix codes give the operator increased flexibility and the ability to produce automated linework and layering. PConnect can use your company's specific description keys, combined with its suffix codes, to create robust geometry from surveyed data collected in the field. The linework is drawn on specified layers as defined by a Description Key Style file.

SmartDraft Construction Notes tools automates the process of placing construction notes and creating a construction notes table or list. Use reference symbol only, leaders with reference symbol, multiple leader with reference symbol, leaders with text, or leader, reference symbol, and text Once the construction note reference symbols are placed, a construction notes table can be created from the symbols.

SmartDraft HEC-RAS Tools provide an excellent set of tools for exchanging data between Civil 3D and HEC-RAS. Create a HEC-RAS data file from section lines, an alignment, and a surface. Create section lines at specified stations along an alignment. Import a HEC-RAS floodplain line into Civil 3D. Draw HEC-HAS Cross Section in Civil 3D.

More info: http://smartdraft.com/commandlist.htm

+ = link.
84 Mb (RAR5, incl. 3% - info for restoration purpose)
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сообщение 23.10.2021 - 14:42
Сообщение #27

Торговец чёрным деревом
Иконка группы

Группа: Админы
Пользователь №: 3953
Сообщений: 22557
Регистрация: 1.08.2003
Из: Москва
Загружено: 1.2 TB
Скачано: 360.63 мегабайт
Коэффициент: 3,489.96
Спасибо сказали: 60254 раз(а)

SmartDraft v21.0.18 for AutoCAD & Civil 3D 2012-2022
with the new magic permanent registration info

SmartDraft, established in 1989, set its mission to provide powerful productivity tools for Civil Engineers, Surveyors, Land Planners, and Mapping professionals, with a focus on providing low cost and comprehensive software solutions. SmartDraft provides the Engineering communities with the tools necessary to create civil engineering plan sets more rapidly and consistently than AutoCAD products straight out of the box. Why? The computer does what it is good at - repetition and following directions. What this means to you, the Design Professional, is that you can spend less time trying to manually make your plan sets follow standards and instead focus on making sure they contain the necessary design information.


SmartDraft Suite is our comprehensive set of AutoCAD® productivity enhancements. Suite provides tools for labeling plan and profile design, site layout, managing block (symbol) libraries, point placement and labeling, and many general drafting enhancements. These tools are tailored to civil engineers, surveyors, mapping professionals, and drafting professionals. SmartDraft PConnect and HEC-RAS Tools are optional addition to SmartDraft Suite.

SmartDraft Survey is a subset of SmartDraft Suite which focuses on surveyors and mapping professionals. Survey provides tools to label and modify labels of lines and curves with bearings, distances, deltas, radii, tangents, etc. Survey also offers tools to place and label points, create closure reports, and write legal descriptions from polylines or parcels, as well as tools for planview layout. SmartDraft PConnect is an optional addition to SmartDraft Survey

SmartDraft PConnect is an easy to use and superior point-connection tool designed to combine the best features of attributed point coding with an easily controlled, yet powerful, 2D and 3D line control language. PConnect's enhanced suffix codes give the operator increased flexibility and the ability to produce automated linework and layering. PConnect can use your company's specific description keys, combined with its suffix codes, to create robust geometry from surveyed data collected in the field. The linework is drawn on specified layers as defined by a Description Key Style file.

SmartDraft Construction Notes tools automates the process of placing construction notes and creating a construction notes table or list. Use reference symbol only, leaders with reference symbol, multiple leader with reference symbol, leaders with text, or leader, reference symbol, and text Once the construction note reference symbols are placed, a construction notes table can be created from the symbols.

SmartDraft HEC-RAS Tools provide an excellent set of tools for exchanging data between Civil 3D and HEC-RAS. Create a HEC-RAS data file from section lines, an alignment, and a surface. Create section lines at specified stations along an alignment. Import a HEC-RAS floodplain line into Civil 3D. Draw HEC-HAS Cross Section in Civil 3D.

More info: http://smartdraft.com/commandlist.htm

+ = link.
105 Mb (RAR5, incl. 3% - info for restoration purpose)
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сообщение 23.10.2021 - 16:35
Сообщение #28

Иконка группы

Группа: Пользователи
Пользователь №: 166445
Сообщений: 3
Регистрация: 8.02.2014
Загружено: байт
Скачано: байт
Коэффициент: ---
Спасибо сказали: 0 раз(а)

I am facing this problem:

Unknown command "SMARTABOUT". Press F1 for help.
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сообщение 23.10.2021 - 17:01
Сообщение #29

Торговец чёрным деревом
Иконка группы

Группа: Админы
Пользователь №: 3953
Сообщений: 22557
Регистрация: 1.08.2003
Из: Москва
Загружено: 1.2 TB
Скачано: 360.63 мегабайт
Коэффициент: 3,489.96
Спасибо сказали: 60254 раз(а)

sadish.era, revoke old authorizatjon first and delete firewall rule.
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сообщение 1.11.2021 - 14:48
Сообщение #30

Иконка группы

Группа: Пользователи
Пользователь №: 166445
Сообщений: 3
Регистрация: 8.02.2014
Загружено: байт
Скачано: байт
Коэффициент: ---
Спасибо сказали: 0 раз(а)

Цитата(Williams @ 23.10.2021 - 15:01) *
sadish.era, revoke old authorizatjon first and delete firewall rule.

Sorry to ask again, can u pls explain how to revoke the old authorization?
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сообщение 1.11.2021 - 18:53
Сообщение #31

Торговец чёрным деревом
Иконка группы

Группа: Админы
Пользователь №: 3953
Сообщений: 22557
Регистрация: 1.08.2003
Из: Москва
Загружено: 1.2 TB
Скачано: 360.63 мегабайт
Коэффициент: 3,489.96
Спасибо сказали: 60254 раз(а)

sadish.era, press button Remove Authorization on the About screen.
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сообщение 6.06.2022 - 09:26
Сообщение #32

Иконка группы

Группа: Пользователи
Пользователь №: 172782
Сообщений: 257
Регистрация: 11.11.2014
Загружено: байт
Скачано: байт
Коэффициент: ---
Спасибо сказали: 76 раз(а)

version 22.0.5 is ready, the solution for version 21 does not work
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сообщение 6.06.2022 - 12:29
Сообщение #33

Из местных
Иконка группы

Группа: Teamer
Пользователь №: 196535
Сообщений: 67
Регистрация: 9.05.2019
Загружено: байт
Скачано: байт
Коэффициент: ---
Спасибо сказали: 88 раз(а)

Hello Williams,

Please create medicine for this update
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сообщение 30.06.2022 - 16:05
Сообщение #34

Из местных
Иконка группы

Группа: Teamer
Пользователь №: 196535
Сообщений: 67
Регистрация: 9.05.2019
Загружено: байт
Скачано: байт
Коэффициент: ---
Спасибо сказали: 88 раз(а)

New Version Released! SmartDraft 22.0.6

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сообщение 13.05.2024 - 23:35
Сообщение #35

Иконка группы

Группа: Пользователи
Пользователь №: 141759
Сообщений: 359
Регистрация: 8.01.2011
Загружено: байт
Скачано: байт
Коэффициент: ---
Спасибо сказали: 539 раз(а)

New Version Released! SmartDraft 24.0.4


raduga_fb you can take a look
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сообщение 16.11.2024 - 17:38
Сообщение #36

Иконка группы

Группа: Пользователи
Пользователь №: 152898
Сообщений: 147
Регистрация: 29.03.2012
Загружено: байт
Скачано: байт
Коэффициент: ---
Спасибо сказали: 260 раз(а)

I have used the setup provided by Angy in this post.

Solution for 2024 is in the attached with readme. Enjoy!

Прикрепленный файл  SmartDraft_Keygen.rar ( 55.5 килобайт ) Кол-во скачиваний: 70
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сообщение 18.11.2024 - 10:43
Сообщение #37

Торговец чёрным деревом
Иконка группы

Группа: Админы
Пользователь №: 3953
Сообщений: 22557
Регистрация: 1.08.2003
Из: Москва
Загружено: 1.2 TB
Скачано: 360.63 мегабайт
Коэффициент: 3,489.96
Спасибо сказали: 60254 раз(а)

SmartDraft v24.2.0 for AutoCAD & Civil 3D up to 2025 version

SmartDraft, established in 1989, set its mission to provide powerful productivity tools for Civil Engineers, Surveyors, Land Planners, and Mapping professionals, with a focus on providing low cost and comprehensive software solutions. SmartDraft provides the Engineering communities with the tools necessary to create civil engineering plan sets more rapidly and consistently than AutoCAD products straight out of the box. Why? The computer does what it is good at - repetition and following directions. What this means to you, the Design Professional, is that you can spend less time trying to manually make your plan sets follow standards and instead focus on making sure they contain the necessary design information.


SmartDraft Suite is our comprehensive set of AutoCAD® productivity enhancements. Suite provides tools for labeling plan and profile design, site layout, managing block (symbol) libraries, point placement and labeling, and many general drafting enhancements. These tools are tailored to civil engineers, surveyors, mapping professionals, and drafting professionals. SmartDraft PConnect and HEC-RAS Tools are optional addition to SmartDraft Suite.

SmartDraft Survey is a subset of SmartDraft Suite which focuses on surveyors and mapping professionals. Survey provides tools to label and modify labels of lines and curves with bearings, distances, deltas, radii, tangents, etc. Survey also offers tools to place and label points, create closure reports, and write legal descriptions from polylines or parcels, as well as tools for planview layout. SmartDraft PConnect is an optional addition to SmartDraft Survey

SmartDraft PConnect is an easy to use and superior point-connection tool designed to combine the best features of attributed point coding with an easily controlled, yet powerful, 2D and 3D line control language. PConnect's enhanced suffix codes give the operator increased flexibility and the ability to produce automated linework and layering. PConnect can use your company's specific description keys, combined with its suffix codes, to create robust geometry from surveyed data collected in the field. The linework is drawn on specified layers as defined by a Description Key Style file.

SmartDraft Construction Notes tools automates the process of placing construction notes and creating a construction notes table or list. Use reference symbol only, leaders with reference symbol, multiple leader with reference symbol, leaders with text, or leader, reference symbol, and text Once the construction note reference symbols are placed, a construction notes table can be created from the symbols.

SmartDraft HEC-RAS Tools provide an excellent set of tools for exchanging data between Civil 3D and HEC-RAS. Create a HEC-RAS data file from section lines, an alignment, and a surface. Create section lines at specified stations along an alignment. Import a HEC-RAS floodplain line into Civil 3D. Draw HEC-HAS Cross Section in Civil 3D.

More info: http://smartdraft.com/commandlist.htm

+ = link.
101 Mb (RAR5, incl. 3% - info for restoration purpose)
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сообщение 3.02.2025 - 18:19
Сообщение #38

Иконка группы

Группа: Пользователи
Пользователь №: 195202
Сообщений: 10
Регистрация: 10.07.2018
Загружено: байт
Скачано: байт
Коэффициент: ---
Спасибо сказали: 6 раз(а)

After installing there is no Smartdraft in AC 2025 or C3D 2025. What can be wrong? Please help.....
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сообщение 12.02.2025 - 13:00
Сообщение #39

Иконка группы

Группа: Пользователи
Пользователь №: 60956
Сообщений: 167
Регистрация: 14.05.2007
Из: turkie
Загружено: байт
Скачано: байт
Коэффициент: ---
Спасибо сказали: 154 раз(а)

QUOTE (SetVK @ 3.02.2025 - 16:19) *
After installing there is no Smartdraft in AC 2025 or C3D 2025. What can be wrong? Please help.....

same here not working with versions 2025
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RSS Текстовая версия Сейчас: 17.02.2025 - 20:44