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Нужна толковая книжка по Viusal FoxPro, срочно!!!
сообщение 4.10.2005 - 13:34
Сообщение #1

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Люди! Знакомому нужна книжка по Visual FoxPro и сама программа програмирования на этом языке! Дайте линки если есть пожалуста!!

Готовясь стать модером, можно было бы и темы научиться оформлять. Шоб глядя на её название, не нужно было бы быть Копперфильдом дабы угадать о чём речь внутрях идёт. Поправил. Williams

Для запросов литературы есть отдельный раздел форума. Перенес. Fallcom

Сообщение отредактировал Fallcom - 9.05.2007 - 12:48
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сообщение 4.10.2005 - 15:03
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Учебник VisualFoxpro
гл 1-9 _http://av-gostemilov-foxpro.narod.ru/foxpro7.zip
гл 10-25 _http://av-gostemilov-foxpro.narod.ru/foxpro.zip

VisualFoxpro полное описание _http://ponteley.al.ru/ebook/vfp.zip

скачать Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9.0 Professional Edition можно здесь:


[HIDE=10]Archive password : starsky

Сообщение отредактировал yuansw - 4.10.2005 - 16:56
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сообщение 4.05.2007 - 18:23
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сообщение 6.10.2009 - 18:11
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Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9.0 With SP2

Full - ISO | 234.5MB

The visual environment for creating and managing a 32-bit applications and components. Components of Microsoft © Visual FoxPro ®, and object-oriented language make this package ideal for the development of modern, scalable, multi-tier applications that integrate architecture, client-server and Internet.

Microsoft © Visual FoxPro ® includes a visual development environment database, which uses a programming language framework FoxPro. Over a long period, Visual FoxPro has remained one of the most popular tools databases. With his help was written by a truly enormous amount of different kinds of economic, accounting and other applications developed for the calculation and storage of information.
Visual FoxPro 9.0 is fully compatible with previous versions of the product. Manufacturers can use the tools of Visual FoxPro 8.0 for deploying applications created in the environment of Visual FoxPro 9.0. With Visual FoxPro 9.0, you can create web-based applications and COM-components, and without efforts to organize their interaction with. NET-applications. Version 9.0 implements new types of data, removed many restrictions on the language SQL, introduced additional types of indices, simplified work with remote data, etc.

Product Highlights
* Data-Handling and Interoperability
Create .NET compatible solutions with hierarchical XML and XML Web services. Exchange data with SQL Server through enhanced SQL language capabilities and newly supported data types.

* Extensible Developer Productivity Tools
Enhance your user interfaces with dockable user forms, auto-anchoring of controls, and improved image support. Personalize the Properties Window with your favorite properties, custom editors, fonts, and color settings.

* Flexibility to Build All Types of Database Solutions
Build and deploy stand-alone and remote applications for Windows based Tablet PCs. Create and access COM components and XML Web Services compatible with Microsoft .NET technology.

* Reporting System Features
Extensible new output architecture provides precision control of report data output and formatting. Design with multiple detail banding, text rotation, and report chaining. Output reports supported include in XML, HTML, image formats, and customizable multi-page print preview window. Backward compatible with existing Visual FoxPro reports.

Easy to Upgrade
Upgrading to Visual FoxPro 9.0 is easy and rewarding, as it is the most advanced and reliable version of FoxPro ever released, and is 100-percent compatible with Visual FoxPro 8.0.

Developers can even create applications with Visual FoxPro 9.0 and deploy them using the Visual FoxPro 8.0 runtime, as long as no new commands and features are implemented in the distributed application. This allows developers and teams to upgrade to Visual FoxPro 9.0 and benefit from the wealth of new productivity features, while transitioning existing applications to the newer runtime engine.

Product Features
* Robust set of tools for building database solutions; easy to upgrade
* Build applications for the desktop, client-server environments, or the Web
* Enhanced SQL language capabilities; extensible new output architecture
* Create .NET-compatible solutions with hierarchical XML and XML Web services
* Build stand-alone and remote applications for Windows-based Tablet PCs

Title: Microsoft Visual FoxPro
Version: 9.0 With Service Pack 2
Developer: msdn.microsoft.com
Interface: English
Operating system: Windows

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сообщение 9.01.2025 - 18:08
Сообщение #5

Из местных
Иконка группы

Группа: Пользователи
Пользователь №: 153120
Сообщений: 50
Регистрация: 9.04.2012
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Коэффициент: ---
Спасибо сказали: 49 раз(а)

QUOTE (istigatore @ 6.10.2009 - 18:11) *
Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9.0 With SP2

Full - ISO | 234.5MB

The visual environment for creating and managing a 32-bit applications and components. Components of Microsoft © Visual FoxPro ®, and object-oriented language make this package ideal for the development of modern, scalable, multi-tier applications that integrate architecture, client-server and Internet.

Microsoft © Visual FoxPro ® includes a visual development environment database, which uses a programming language framework FoxPro. Over a long period, Visual FoxPro has remained one of the most popular tools databases. With his help was written by a truly enormous amount of different kinds of economic, accounting and other applications developed for the calculation and storage of information.
Visual FoxPro 9.0 is fully compatible with previous versions of the product. Manufacturers can use the tools of Visual FoxPro 8.0 for deploying applications created in the environment of Visual FoxPro 9.0. With Visual FoxPro 9.0, you can create web-based applications and COM-components, and without efforts to organize their interaction with. NET-applications. Version 9.0 implements new types of data, removed many restrictions on the language SQL, introduced additional types of indices, simplified work with remote data, etc.

Product Highlights
* Data-Handling and Interoperability
Create .NET compatible solutions with hierarchical XML and XML Web services. Exchange data with SQL Server through enhanced SQL language capabilities and newly supported data types.

* Extensible Developer Productivity Tools
Enhance your user interfaces with dockable user forms, auto-anchoring of controls, and improved image support. Personalize the Properties Window with your favorite properties, custom editors, fonts, and color settings.

* Flexibility to Build All Types of Database Solutions
Build and deploy stand-alone and remote applications for Windows based Tablet PCs. Create and access COM components and XML Web Services compatible with Microsoft .NET technology.

* Reporting System Features
Extensible new output architecture provides precision control of report data output and formatting. Design with multiple detail banding, text rotation, and report chaining. Output reports supported include in XML, HTML, image formats, and customizable multi-page print preview window. Backward compatible with existing Visual FoxPro reports.

Easy to Upgrade
Upgrading to Visual FoxPro 9.0 is easy and rewarding, as it is the most advanced and reliable version of FoxPro ever released, and is 100-percent compatible with Visual FoxPro 8.0.

Developers can even create applications with Visual FoxPro 9.0 and deploy them using the Visual FoxPro 8.0 runtime, as long as no new commands and features are implemented in the distributed application. This allows developers and teams to upgrade to Visual FoxPro 9.0 and benefit from the wealth of new productivity features, while transitioning existing applications to the newer runtime engine.

Product Features
* Robust set of tools for building database solutions; easy to upgrade
* Build applications for the desktop, client-server environments, or the Web
* Enhanced SQL language capabilities; extensible new output architecture
* Create .NET-compatible solutions with hierarchical XML and XML Web services
* Build stand-alone and remote applications for Windows-based Tablet PCs

Title: Microsoft Visual FoxPro
Version: 9.0 With Service Pack 2
Developer: msdn.microsoft.com
Interface: English
Operating system: Windows

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Hi istigatore

Reupload Viusal FoxPro 9 Sp2 Support with Windows 11
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