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Model Maker ver. 14.00, Land Survey, Construction and Engineering software
сообщение 4.04.2018 - 10:11
Сообщение #1

Иконка группы

Группа: Пользователи
Пользователь №: 156487
Сообщений: 286
Регистрация: 13.10.2012
Загружено: байт
Скачано: байт
Коэффициент: ---
Спасибо сказали: 226 раз(а)

Model Maker Systems

With its technologically advanced products Model Maker Systems is the developer and preferred supplier of Land Survey, Construction and Engineering software. Whatever your requirement we will have a configuration available to enhance your productivity. The modular make-up of all software packages also makes it highly affordable and you do not pay for functionality you will never use.


Model Maker:
ver. 14.00 - 2018-03-15
Road Maker:
ver. 14.00 - 2018-03-15
Pipe Maker:
ver. 14.00 - 2018-03-15
Survey Maker:
ver. 11.00 - 2018-03-15
Point Cloud Viewer:
ver. 5.00 - 2018-01-17

Model Maker is a digital terrain modeling program and the most advanced in the Model Maker Systems software suite. It started off with the purpose of merely reducing tachometric survey data to x, y and z co-ordinates and today we are proud to present the most advanced functions available in terrain modeling.

The program consists of 20 modules, which are available in four different versions of the program. The versions are determined by the number of survey points that each can model. This modular design gives users access to only those features required for their application and thereby the cost of the software can be reduced greatly.

Provision is made to input data manually using any survey method, importing data from electronic data recorders or GPS systems and from various fixed and free format ASCII files. Data can also be captured from existing drawings using the built-in digitizing option.

In addition, a facility exists to survey new data or to use an existing model to do real-time setting out work on site by connecting a computer to an electronic survey instrument in the field.

Model Maker also includes a full and comprehensive integrated CAD link between the survey data and all the basic and advanced drawing functions. This enables the surveyor to create detail drawings efficiently on screen with his survey active in the background. In addition to the line styles available the user may also create new line styles and symbols to be used on drawings.

Survey observations are automatically reduced to Y, X, Z co-ordinates with retention of the original observation data. Station co-ordinates may be extracted from a trig file or typed in manually during the reduction. A double coding system is available whereby the user may identify specific detail. Two six-character alpha-numeric codes per observation are available without any restriction of the meaning of specific codes.

The model is created using a fast automatic triangulation routine with or without restrictions. After the model is created the user still has full control over the various functions provided for editing the model graphically.

Once the model is created various calculations may be done, e.g. four methods of calculating volumes, extracting long or cross sections, slope and watershed analyses, three-dimensional viewing, area (plan and surface) and perimeter calculations, automatic toepoint generation for platforms, mine planning, rehabilitation (landscaping) of excavations and stockpiles, 3D-masshaul planning, powerline templating and earthdam design.

Output of results may be printed or saved in a file and drawings may be plotted directly to any HPGL-compatible plotter, plotfile or various CAD data exchange ASCII formats.
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сообщение 11.06.2018 - 22:40
Сообщение #2


Группа: Banned
Пользователь №: 194495
Сообщений: 24
Регистрация: 9.06.2018
Загружено: байт
Скачано: байт
Коэффициент: ---
Спасибо сказали: 14 раз(а)

please any master help for get this programs
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сообщение 25.09.2018 - 23:52
Сообщение #3

Иконка группы

Группа: Пользователи
Пользователь №: 152405
Сообщений: 13
Регистрация: 7.03.2012
Загружено: байт
Скачано: байт
Коэффициент: ---
Спасибо сказали: 1 раз(а)

This looks like a great software, any ideas on how to get the medicine for this?
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сообщение 18.03.2019 - 17:08
Сообщение #4

Иконка группы

Группа: Пользователи
Пользователь №: 156487
Сообщений: 286
Регистрация: 13.10.2012
Загружено: байт
Скачано: байт
Коэффициент: ---
Спасибо сказали: 226 раз(а)

I will share install file ASAP
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сообщение 2.04.2019 - 13:18
Сообщение #5

Иконка группы

Группа: Пользователи
Пользователь №: 163074
Сообщений: 11
Регистрация: 13.09.2013
Из: israel
Загружено: байт
Скачано: байт
Коэффициент: ---
Спасибо сказали: 1 раз(а)

is there any medicine for this one?
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сообщение 20.04.2019 - 20:37
Сообщение #6

Иконка группы

Группа: Пользователи
Пользователь №: 94540
Сообщений: 10
Регистрация: 29.08.2008
Загружено: байт
Скачано: байт
Коэффициент: ---
Спасибо сказали: 1 раз(а)

Лекарство появилось для нее?
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сообщение 23.03.2022 - 18:16
Сообщение #7

Иконка группы

Группа: Пользователи
Пользователь №: 156487
Сообщений: 286
Регистрация: 13.10.2012
Загружено: байт
Скачано: байт
Коэффициент: ---
Спасибо сказали: 226 раз(а)

I have last version install for Model Maker,
Any one can try make medicien ?

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сообщение 10.11.2024 - 17:10
Сообщение #8

Иконка группы

Группа: Пользователи
Пользователь №: 216041
Сообщений: 3
Регистрация: 10.11.2024
Загружено: байт
Скачано: байт
Коэффициент: ---
Спасибо сказали: 1 раз(а)

Hi for all

I also need this soft any can help me

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