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Полная версия этой страницы: Request - DHI Mike C-Map
.:LAVteam:. > Инженерный форум > В помощь инженеру
Hey to All,

Firstly i would like to thank you all here at Lav-team for your support in providing quality solutions for us less fortunate.

As you are already aware many users benefited from the previous DHI Mike Zero and others.

I would like to add another to the list, Mike C-Map https://www.mikepoweredbydhi.com/products/mike-c-map

Theoretically speaking, this should allow importing C-Map marine charts into Mike Zero this solving one of the many needed parameters which is bathymetery.

Plus a way to crack open the marine charts in hopes to be able to export them to shape-files for spatial analysis.

Anyone got any idea where to get Mike C-Map?
Hey guys,
I m really in need of DHI WEST or GPS-X cracked plzzzzz some upload heree
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