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R. K. Goel, Bhawani Singh, Jian Zhao - Underground Infrastructures: Planning, Design, and Construction

Butterworth-Heinemann, 2012
PDF, english, 352 pages
ISBN-10: 0123971683
ISBN-13: 978-0123971685

Underground facilities, such as tunnels, sewer, water and gas networks form the backbone of the economic life of the modern city. In densely populated areas where the demands for transportation and services are rapidly increasing and the construction of new roads and railways are prohibited, the construction of a tunnel might be the only alternative. Brief and readable, this reference is based on a combined 75 years of field experience and places emphasis is on simple practical rules for designing and planning, underground infrastructures. The books' begins with a clear and rigorous exposition of the classification of underground space, important considerations such as geological and engineering and underground planning. This is followed by self-contained chapters concerning applications for underground water storage, underground car parks, underground metros & road tunnels and underground storage of crude oil, lpg and natural gas. The book has 15 chapters covering various usage of underground space. There are about 135 figures and tables. The book contains about 20 case histories/examples. One of the first book to address all of the major areas in which this technology is used, this book deals with major topics such as: hydroelectric projects with modern planning of complex underground structures; underground storages of food items, crude oil and explosives and highly cautious underground nuclear waste repositories. Rail and road tunnels and TBM are described briefly. Risk management in underground infrastructures is of vital importance. Civil Engineers, Mining Engineers, and Geotechnical Engineers will find this book a valuable guide to designing and planning underground infrastructures both in terms of its applications.

Голышев А.Г., Кривошеев П.И., Козелецкий П.М. - Усиление железобетонных конструкций производственных зданий и просадочных оснований

Логос, 2004
pdf, 217 pages, russian

В книге изложены конструктивно-технологические решения усилений несущих железобетонных конструкций бетоном (железобетоном) и разгружающими элементами, практические способы расчета усиливаемых конструкций, рекомендации по усилению просадочных оснований и примеры расчета.

Гроздов В.Т. - О некоторых ошибках проектирования железобетонных и каменных конструкций и технического обследования зданий и сооружений

ООФ "ЦКС", 2006
pdf, 50 pages, russian

Рассмотрены некоторые дефекты строительных конструкций, связанные с неучетом при проектировании условий их изготовления, монтажа и эксплуатации, а также некоторые ошибки при обследовании зданий и сооружений.

кто скачал, выложите куда нибудь, заранее благодарю

Цитата(smirnov228 @ 16.09.2010 - 13:42) *

Книги для инженеров, расчетчиков - Ansys, AutoCAD, MathCAD, Mathematica, Matlab , Maple SCAD, SolidWorks, Unigraphics, ЛИРА

Мясоедова Н.В., Леонова Л.М., Притыкин Ф.Н., Кошелева Л.И. - Инженерная графика (геометрическое и проекционное черчение)

ОмГТУ, 2005
pdf, 52 pages, russian

Учебное пособие содержит правила выполнения изображений предметов на чертежах, выполняемых в разделах «Геометрическое черчение» и «Проекционное черчение» по курсу «Инженерная графика». Предназначено для студентов первого курса технических специальностей всех форм обучения.

Georgy Shishkov
http://book.isito.kg/ http://libgen.org/ http://sci-lib.com/ http://bookzz.org/ http://krelib.com/ http://www.findlib.ru/ - чтобы знать... http://scilance.com/library/ http://padabum.com/
Peter R. N. Childs BSc.(Hons) D.Phil C.Eng F.I.Mech.E. - Mechanical Design Engineering Handbook

Butterworth-Heinemann, 2014
pdf, 817 pages, english

Mechanical Design Engineering Handbook is a straight-talking and forward-thinking reference covering the design, specification, selection, use and integration of machine elements fundamental to a wide range of engineering applications.
Develop or refresh your mechanical design skills in the areas of bearings, shafts, gears, seals, belts and chains, clutches and brakes, springs, fasteners, pneumatics and hydraulics, amongst other core mechanical elements, and dip in for principles, data and calculations as needed to inform and evaluate your on-the-job decisions.
Covering the full spectrum of common mechanical and machine components that act as building blocks in the design of mechanical devices, Mechanical Design Engineering Handbook also includes worked design scenarios and essential background on design methodology to help you get started with a problem and repeat selection processes with successful results time and time again.
This practical handbook will make an ideal shelf reference for those working in mechanical design across a variety of industries and a valuable learning resource for advanced students undertaking engineering design modules and projects as part of broader mechanical, aerospace, automotive and manufacturing programs.
- Clear, concise text explains key component technology, with step-by-step procedures, fully worked design scenarios, component images and cross-sectional line drawings all incorporated for ease of understanding.
- Provides essential data, equations and interactive ancillaries, including calculation spreadsheets, to inform decision making, design evaluation and incorporation of components into overall designs.
- Design procedures and methods covered include references to national and international standards where appropriate.

Thomas C. Winter, Judson W. Harvey, O. Lehn Franke, William M. Alley -
Ground Water and Surface Water A Single Resource
U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1139

pdf, 87 pages, english
ISBN 0–607–89339–7

As the Nation's concerns over water resources and the environment increase, the importance of considering ground water and surface water as a single resource has become increasingly evident. Issues related to water supply, water quality, and degradation of aquatic environments are reported on frequently. The interaction of ground water and surface water has been shown to be a significant concern in many of these issues. For example, contaminated aquifers that discharge to streams can result in long-term contamination of surface water; conversely, streams can be a major source of contamination to aquifers. Surface water commonly is hydraulically connected to ground water, but the interactions are difficult to observe and measure and commonly have been ignored in water-management considerations and policies. Many natural processes and human activities affect the interactions of ground water and surface water. The purpose of this report is to present our current understanding of these processes and activities as well as limitations in our knowledge and ability to characterize them.

11 Mb (RAR5, incl. 3% - info for restoration purpose)
И. В. Баклашов, Б А. Картозия
Механика подземных сооружений и конструкции крепей: Учеб, для вузов - 3-е изд. стер. — М.: Студент, 2012. — 543 с.: ил.
2012 г.

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Рассмотрены механические процессы в породных массивах с учетом их структурно-механических особенностей, фактора времени и технологии строительства подземных сооружений, а также закономерности формирования нагрузок в условиях совместного деформирования крепи и массива. Изложены требования к проектированию подземных сооружений и конструкций. Приведены методы расчета крепей горных выработок и обделок транспортных и коллекторных тоннелей. Даны примеры выбора оптимальных конструкций крепей, примеры расчета конструкций, вопросы для самостоятельной подготовки.
Для студентов вузов, обучающихся по направлению «Горное дело» специальности «Шахтное и подземное строительство».

ISBN 978-5-4363-0027-6

Механика подземных сооружений и конструкции крепей => https://yadi.sk/d/2LK1WzzRt3K5p (13.16Мб)

С. И. Калинин, С. А. Новосельцев, Р. X. Галимарданов, А. А. Ренёв, К. А. Филимонов, А. М. Тимошенко, А. П. Федорович
Отработка мощного угольного пласта механизированным комплексом с выпуском подкровельной пачки: монография
2011 г.

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В монографии представлены важнейшие аспекты технологии отработки мощного угольного пласта с выпуском подкровельной пачки угля: горное давление в очистном забое, взаимодействие подкровельной пачки с вмещающими породами и управление выпуском, эндогенная пожароопасность, проветривание выемочного участка. Выполнена оценка показателей надежности технологической схемы.
Представленный материал будет интересен различным категориям специалистов в области горного дела: инженерно-техническим работникам шахт, научно-исследовательскому персоналу, сотрудникам проектных организаций. Также данная работа рекомендуется студентам и аспирантам горных специальностей в качестве дополнительной учебной литературы.

Отработка мощного угольного пласта механизированным комплексом с выпуском подкровельной пачки: монография=>https://yadi.sk/i/k2cJYI-Dt3K8Z (13,46Мб)

ОАО «НИИ Атмосфера» - Методическое пособие по расчету, нормированию и контролю выбросов загрязняющих веществ в атмосферный воздух (Дополненное и переработанное) - Санкт-Петербург, 2014

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Настоящее пособие является переработкой изданного «Методического пособия по расчету, нормированию и контролю выбросов загрязняющих веществ в атмосферный воздух», СПб, 2005

Ранее изданное «Методическое пособие по расчету, нормированию и контролю выбросов загрязняющих веществ в атмосферный воздух», СПб, 2005, по результатам его практической апробации переработано и дополнено в целях дальнейшего развития и детализации методических аспектов воздухоохранной деятельности, изложенных в действующей нормативнометодической документации в области охраны атмосферного воздуха от загрязнения выбросами антропогенных источников в свете Федерального Закона «Об охране атмосферного воздуха», соответствующих Постановлений Правительства Российской Федерации и приказов Минприроды России.


В.А. Шумилов, С.М. Аксельрод, А.В. Шумилов. Геофизические исследования скважин при разведке и добыче метана угольных пластов: монография. Перм. гос. нац. исслед. ун-т. - Пермь, 2014. - 138 с.:ил.

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ISBN 978-5-7944-2376-1

Предлагаемая монография знакомит с практикой исследования, проектирования, разведки, сбора, транспортирования и утилизации метана угольных пластов в ряде стран и регионов мира.

Рассматриваются проблемы добычи метана из угольных пластов. Дается описание свойств углей, как коллекторов газа, и видов геофизических исследований скважин на этапах разведки и эксплуатации. Сопоставляются различные варианты конструкции скважин и технологии их бурения, обсуждаются технологические особенности добычи газа. Затрагиваются экологические аспекты разработки месторождений угольного газа.

Книга представляет интерес для специалистов производственных, научно-исследовательских и проектных организаций, занимающихся поиском, разведкой и эксплуатацией нефтяных и газовых месторождений, а также для преподавателей, аспирантов, магистрантов и студентов геологических, геофизических и нефтяных специальностей вузов.

Does anyone have book from Deumlich, Fritz; Staiger, Rudolf: Instrumentenkunde der Vermessungstechnik (2002)?
Библиотека-форум книг разнообразного направления, в том числе научно-технического, аудиокниги, электронные версии. Необходима регистрация, она бесплатна, скачивание книг тоже.
KAMAL I.M. AL-MALAH - ASPEN PLUS Chemical Engineering Applications

Wiley, 2017
pdf, 623 pages, english
ISBN 978-1-119-13123-6

Kamal Al-Malah, is professor of chemical engineering at Higher Colleges of Technology, United Arab Emirates and former chairman of the chemical engineering department at the University of Hail in Saudi Arabia. He holds B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in chemical/biochemical engineering. Dr. Al-Malah graduated from Oregon State University in 1993 and his area of specialty deals with mathematical modeling, optimization, simulation, and computer-aided design.

Aspen Plusis a process flowsheet simulator. A flowsheet simulator is a computer software that is used to quantitatively model a chemical processing plant. In general, a chemical processing plant is comprised of the core reactor unit and different additional unit operations, in the form of pre- and post-treatment steps, as well. In this regard, Aspen Plus is a very powerful tool that can be used to tackle different chemical process and unit operation calculation-based tasks, in the form of modeling, simulation, optimization, data regression, design specifications, sensitivity analysis, solids handling, dynamics and control, energy saving, safety compliance, and finally process economic analysis.

The book comprises 18 chapters. Each chapter, except the last chapter, constitutes a running tutorial that mainly covers one or more of common unit operations or chemical processes found in chemical industries. Moreover, the book has end-of-chapter contextual problems. The last chapter contains comprehensive problems (or term projects) that require an extensive knowledge of Aspen Plus features and tools that are already explained in previous chapters.

Overall, the book reflects the full-fledge nature ofAspen Plus implementation to versatile chemical process industries.

21 Mb (RAR5, incl. 3% - info for restoration purpose)
Gunthar Pangaribuan - An Introduction to Excel for Civil Engineers

CreateSpace Independent Publishing, 2016
pdf, 387 pages, english
ISBN-10: 1537137719
ISBN-13: 978-1537137711

It's a must have standard engineering book that should have read many years ago. It addresses many articles that may not be covered by any Excel for engineering texts, such as step by step guides to create an application program and how to convert the steps into VBA code, how to perform matrix operations, macro for creating an engineering chart, a brief and simple guide to become an instant Excel-VBA programmer, and more... Also to be presented the depiction in AutoCAD program. Yes! AutoCAD is chosen because one of its advantages that relies on high drawing accuracy.

You will learn how to create a simple AutoCAD script file using Excel formulas and Excel-VBA. It is expected that you will be able to create simple Cartesian graph in AutoCAD, even you are an AutoCAD first time user! With the ease of working with Excel, coupled with benefit of the given examples in this book, it is expected to increase the interest of the reader to create new original application programs. Thus, each model or even a specific calculation will be an exciting challenge for a programming job is already enjoyable. Happy Excel programming!

12 Mb (RAR5, incl. 3% - info for restoration purpose)
John Siegenthaler - Modern Hydronic Heating
for residential and light commercial buildings

Delmar, 2012
pdf, 746 pages, english
ISBN-13: 978-1428335158
ISBN-10: 1428335153

This book, like its preceding editions, is about state-of-the-art hydronic heating systems for residential and light commercial buildings. It was written to provide comprehensive, contemporary, and unbiased information for heating technology students, as well as heating professionals.

57 Mb (RAR5, incl. 3% - info for restoration purpose)
Rex Miller, Mark Richard Miller, Harry Stewart - Audel Pumps & Hydraulics, 6th Edition

Wiley, 2004
pdf, 577 pages, english
ISBN: 978-0-7645-7116-9

Pumps and hydraulic equipment are now used in more facets of industry than ever before. Whether you are a pump operator or you encounter pumps and hydraulic systems through your work in another skilled trade, a basic knowledge of the practical features, principles, installation, and maintenance of such systems is essential. You'll find it all here, fully updated with real-world examples and 21st-century applications.
- Learn to install and service pumps for nearly any application.
- Understand the fundamentals and operating principles of pump controls and hydraulics.
- Service and maintain individual pumping devices that use smaller motors.
- See how pumps are used in robotics, taking advantage of hydraulics to lift larger, heavier loads.
- Handle new types of housings and work with the latest electronic controls.
- Know the appropriate servicing schedule for different types of pumping equipment.
- Install and troubleshoot special-service pumps.

7 Mb (RAR5, incl. 3% - info for restoration purpose)
ISBN 978-5-93093-971-2
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Тяпин А.Г.
Расчет сооружений на сейсмические воздействия с учетом взаимодействия с грунтовым основанием. Научное издание. – М.: Издательство АСВ, 2013. – 392 стр.
В монографии описывается сравнительная молодая отрасль строительной механики – динамический расчет взаимодействия сооружений с основанием при сейсмических воздействиях (SoilStructure Interaction, сокращенно SSI). Обобщается накопленный опыт учета SSI при проектировании ответственных сооружений АЭС, в том числе за рубежом по международным нормам. Разбираются особенности основных используемых подходов. Приводятся примеры из практики московского института «Атомэнергопроект» – ведущей организации по проектированию АЭС в России. Книга может служить пособием для студентов, аспирантов и инженеров, занимающихся расчетами сооружений на сейсмические воздействия.


ISBN 978-5-4323-0011-9
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Тяпин А.Г.
Учет взаимодействия сооружений с основанием при расчетах на сейсмические воздействия. Руководство по расчетам. Научное издание. – М.: Издательство АСВ, 2014 г. – 136 с.
Расчет динамического взаимодействия сооружений с основанием – обязательный этап расчета ответственных сооружений на сейсмические воздействия. В руководстве представлена технологическая
схема расчетов, сложившаяся за последние годы в ОАО «Атомэнергопроект» и прошедшая международную экспертизу. Книга рассчитана на проектировщиков, а также на студентов и аспирантов, работающих в области сейсмостойкости сооружений.

Цитата(r1203 @ 25.01.2018 - 09:41) *
ISBN 978-5-93093-971-2

Тяпин А.Г.
Расчет сооружений на сейсмические воздействия с учетом взаимодействия с грунтовым основанием. Научное издание. – М.: Издательство АСВ, 2013. – 392 стр.


ISBN 978-5-4323-0011-9

Тяпин А.Г.
Учет взаимодействия сооружений с основанием при расчетах на сейсмические воздействия. Руководство по расчетам. Научное издание. – М.: Издательство АСВ, 2014 г. – 136 с.


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Pinliang Dong, Qi Chen - LiDAR Remote Sensing and Applications

CRC, 2018
pdf, 221 pages, english
ISBN: 978-1-4822-4301-7

This is a unique book in that it smoothly combines LiDAR principles, data processing methods, applications, and hands-on practices, following an overview of remote sensing. An index map of LiDAR data and a list of abbreviations are also included to improve the readability of the book. For forest applications, readers can find examples such as creating leaf-on and leaf-off canopy height models in Susquehanna Shale Hills, PA; identifying disturbances from lightning and hurricane in mangrove forests in Florida; and estimating aboveground biomass in tropical forests in Ghana. For urban applications, readers can see examples such as road extraction, powerline corridor mapping, and population estimation in Denton, TX; parcel-based building change detection in Surrey, Canada; and road blockage detection in Port-au-Prince after the 2010 Haiti earthquake. For geoscience applications, readers can explore samples such as measuring dune migration rates in White Sands, NM; analysis of offset channels associated with the San Andreas Fault in California; and trend surface analysis and visualization of rock layers in Raplee Ridge, UT. Undergraduate and graduate students will find that the 11 step-by-step GIS projects with LiDAR data can really help them understand LiDAR data processing, analysis, and applications, while professionals and researchers will benefit from various topics on LiDAR remote sensing and applications, along with over 500 references in the book.

12 Mb (RAR5, incl. 3% - info for restoration purpose)
Balgaisha Mukanova, Igor Modin - The Boundary Element Method in Geophysical Survey

Springer, 2018
pdf, 162 pages, english
ISBN: 978-3-319-72907-7

This volume is devoted to the application of the integral equations method (IEM) and boundary elements method (BEM) to problems involving the sounding of geological media using direct current (DC). Adaptive mesh generation algorithms and numerical methods for solving a system of integral equations are discussed. Integral equations for the media, which contains piecewise linear contact boundaries, immersed local inclusions, and subsurface relief, are derived and solved numerically. Describes in detail the application of the BEM and IEM to 2.5D direct problems using ERT for geological media with a complex structure and having a large number of internal contact boundaries. Provides algorithms of grid generation of the boundaries that are adapted to the geometry of the media, the surface relief and the measurements of electrode arrays. Discusses the application of the BEM to 3D sounding problems using the ERT method. Illustrates the applications of inversion programs to synthetic data generated using the BEM in comparison with the original model and discusses the quality of the associated interpretation

4 Mb (RAR5, incl. 3% - info for restoration purpose)
VDI Heat Atlas, Second Edition

Springer, 2010
pdf, 1609 pages, english
ISBN: 978-3-540-77876-9

The VDI-Warmeatlas or VDI Heat Atlas has a long-lasting history and it can be considered as a standard book for heat exchanger and process engineering equipment design. It is not conceived as a textbook presenting an overall view of the theoretical or experimental findings in heat transfer sciences. The aim was and is to present and explain the state of the art of engineering methods to solve industrially relevant heat transfer problems for apparatus design and process modeling. The first German edition was published in 1963. The sixth German edition was translated into English to meet the demands of the more and more internationally acting industry. This first English edition was published in 1992. Since then, the German edition was regularly updated until the tenth edition published in 2006. In view of today’s globally acting industry, the editorial board felt the necessity to revise the English edition in order to account for the most recent state of our knowledge. Instead of only translating the latest German edition, we preferred restructuring it at the same time because this also enabled us to include new subjects and to update methods according to the recent state of the art. This new structure will also serve as a basis for the forthcoming German edition. On behalf of the editorial board, I express my sincere thanks to the authors of the various sections for their contributions and kind cooperation. The editorial work was coordinated and assisted by Mrs. Sigrid Cuneus from Springer-Verlag, Berlin. We are indebted to her for the efficient work and pleasant collaboration. We are also grateful to Mrs. Tina Shelton from the Reference and Database Publishing group, Springer Reference Editorial, India, who handled the editorial workflow.

40 Mb (RAR5, incl. 3% - info for restoration purpose)
Heat Exchanger Design Handbook, 1983

Hemisphere Publishing, 1983
pdf, 2305 pages, english
ISBN: 3-1841-9080-3

The Heat Exchanger Design Handbook (HEDH) had its origins in the 1970s when, under the chairmanship of Professor Ernst Schlilnder, a group of us began to discuss the possibility of a handbook dealing with all aspects of heat exchanger design and operation including the basic design methodology, the associated heat transfer and fluid flow technology and the physical data required for design. This led to the adoption of a structure consisting of 5 Parts as follows:

- Part 1: Heat exchanger theory and generic application technology
- Part 2: Fluid mechanics and heat transfer
- Part 3: Thermal and hydraulic design of heat exchangers
- Part 4: Mechanical design of heat exchangers
- Part 5: Physical properties

The first (loose-leaf) edition of HEDH was published in 1983 by Hemisphere Publishing Corporation and contained about 1500 pages of new material structured as indicated above; the reception from reviewers and users was very positive and this encouraged the publishers to publish a series of five Supplements of additional material for inclusion in the loose-leaf binders. This process added around 500 pages to the material. In order to achieve a more systematic updating, a quarterly update journal Heat Exchanger Design Update (HEDU) was started in 1983 which carried new material for HEDH.

46 Mb (RAR5, incl. 3% - info for restoration purpose)
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Опять умерли линки r1203,

possible can someone add this book smile.gif

Big Data and Differential Privacy: Analysis Strategies for Railway Track Engineering
Nii O. Attoh-Okine
ISBN: 978-1-119-22904-9
Aug 2017
272 pages

Donald W. Knight, Caroline Hazlewood, Rob Lamb, Paul G. Samuels, Koji Shiono -
Practical Channel Hydraulics: Roughness, Conveyance and Afflux
2nd Edition

CRC Press, 2018
pdf, 634 pages, english
ISBN: 978-1-138-06858-2 (Hbk)
ISBN: 978-1-315-15777-1 (eBook)

Practical Channel Hydraulics is a technical guide for estimating flood water levels in rivers using the innovative software known as the Conveyance and Afflux Estimation System (CES-AES). The stand alone software is freely available at HR Wallingford’s website www.river-conveyance.net. The conveyance engine has also been embedded within industry standard river modelling software such as InfoWorks RS and Flood Modeller Pro. This 2nd Edition has been greatly expanded through the addition of Chapters 6-8, which now supply the background to the Shiono and Knight Method (SKM), upon which the CES-AES is largely based.

With the need to estimate river levels more accurately, computational methods are now frequently embedded in flood risk management procedures, as for example in ISO 18320 (‘Determination of the stage-discharge relationship’), in which both the SKM and CES feature. The CES-AES incorporates five main components: A Roughness Adviser, A Conveyance Generator, an Uncertainty Estimator, a Backwater Module and an Afflux Estimator. The SKM provides an alternative approach, solving the governing equation analytically or numerically using Excel, or with the short FORTRAN program provided.

Special attention is paid to calculating the distributions of boundary shear stress distributions in channels of different shape, and to appropriate formulations for resistance and drag forces, including those on trees in floodplains. Worked examples are given for flows in a wide range of channel types (size, shape, cover, sinuosity), ranging from small scale laboratory flumes (Q = 2.0 1s-1) to European rivers (~2,000 m3s-1), and large-scale world rivers (> 23,000 m3s-1), a ~ 107 range in discharge. Sites from rivers in the UK, France, China, New Zealand and Ecuador are considered.

Topics are introduced initially at a simplified level, and get progressively more complex in later chapters. This book is intended for post graduate level students and practising engineers or hydrologists engaged in flood risk management, as well as those who may simply just wish to learn more about modelling flows in rivers.

149 Mb (RAR5, incl. 3% - info for restoration purpose)
Need Book.

Best Practice in Track Maintenance, Vol. 1: Infrastructure Management
pdf, 264 pages, english
ISBN 978-3-96245-155-4

The best maritime and offshore library


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ISBN 978-5-93093-971-2
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Тяпин А.Г.
Расчет сооружений на сейсмические воздействия с учетом взаимодействия с грунтовым основанием. Научное издание. – М.: Издательство АСВ, 2013. – 392 стр.
В монографии описывается сравнительная молодая отрасль строительной механики – динамический расчет взаимодействия сооружений с основанием при сейсмических воздействиях (SoilStructure Interaction, сокращенно SSI). Обобщается накопленный опыт учета SSI при проектировании ответственных сооружений АЭС, в том числе за рубежом по международным нормам. Разбираются особенности основных используемых подходов. Приводятся примеры из практики московского института «Атомэнергопроект» – ведущей организации по проектированию АЭС в России. Книга может служить пособием для студентов, аспирантов и инженеров, занимающихся расчетами сооружений на сейсмические воздействия.


ISBN 978-5-4323-0011-9
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Тяпин А.Г.
Учет взаимодействия сооружений с основанием при расчетах на сейсмические воздействия. Руководство по расчетам. Научное издание. – М.: Издательство АСВ, 2014 г. – 136 с.
Расчет динамического взаимодействия сооружений с основанием – обязательный этап расчета ответственных сооружений на сейсмические воздействия. В руководстве представлена технологическая
схема расчетов, сложившаяся за последние годы в ОАО «Атомэнергопроект» и прошедшая международную экспертизу. Книга рассчитана на проектировщиков, а также на студентов и аспирантов, работающих в области сейсмостойкости сооружений.


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Золотоносов Я.Д., Багоутдинова А.Г., Золотоносов А.Я - Трубчатые теплообменники. Моделирование, расчет

Лань, 2018
pdf, 270 pages, russian
ISBN 978-5-8114-3411-4

Монография посвящена описанию конструкций теплообменного оборудования, в том числе: трубчатых аппаратов с инновационными теплообменными элементами, змеевиковых теплообменных аппаратов типа «труба в трубе» с изменяющимся и неизменяющимся радиусом изгиба винтовой спирали проточной части теплообменных элементов, а также теплообменных устройств с вращающейся теплообменной поверхностью. В работе предложены математические модели сопряженного теплообмена в аппаратах рассматриваемого класса, разработанных на базе фундаментальных уравнений механики сплошной среды. Приведены результаты численных расчетов и экспериментальные данные, подтверждающие адекватность математических моделей. На базе экспериментальных и теоретических исследований предложены надежные методы инженерных расчетов современных аппаратов теплообмена. Монография предназначена для бакалавриата, магистратуры и аспирантуры по направлениям подготовки «Механика и математическое моделирование», «Теплоэнергетика и теплотехника», «Энергетическое машиностроение», «Ядерная энергетика и теплофизика», «Прикладная механика», «Техническая физика», «Химическая технология». Книга может быть полезна специалистам, занимающимся разработкой и проектированием высокоэффективных теплообменных аппаратов.

Yang X.-S. - Introduction to Algorithms for Data Mining and Machine Learning

Academic Press, 2019
pdf, 188 pages, english
eBook ISBN: 9780128172179
Paperback ISBN: 9780128172162

This book introduces the essential ideas behind all key algorithms and techniques for data mining and machine learning, along with optimization techniques. Its strong formal mathematical approach, well selected examples, and practical software recommendations help readers develop confidence in their data modeling skills so they can process and interpret data for classification, clustering, curve-fitting and predictions. Masterfully balancing theory and practice, it is especially useful for those who need relevant, well explained, but not rigorous (proofs based) background theory and clear guidelines for working with big data.

Theodore Gresh - Compressor Performance: Aerodynamics for the User Third Edition

Butterworth-Heinemann, 2018
pdf, 280 pages, english
ISBN-10: 0128142197
ISBN-13: 978-0128142196

Compressor Performance: Aerodynamics for the User, Third Edition continues the book's 25 year history as a trusted reference on compressor design and maintenance. This new edition is updated throughout to cover new regulations and technology relevant to compressors, with new content adding coverage of strings of equipment, including gas turbines. Users will find sections that run the full spectrum of information needed for an individual to select, operate, test and maintain axial or centrifugal compressors. In addition, basic aerodynamic theory provides users with the how's and why's of compressor design, and troubleshooting guidelines help maintenance engineers save time in the field.Provides detailed instructions for best practice field performance tests to ASME standards. Includes illustrations with detailed diagrams of compressor equipment. Presents new case studies of equipment string analysis. Includes extensive reference material in an appendix, including Mollier diagrams, permissible deviations and fluctuations, and surge identification procedures.

Marc Budinger, Ion Hazyuk, Clement Coic - Multi-Physics Modeling of Technological Systems

Wiley, 2019
pdf, 381 pages, english
ISBN: ISBN: 978-1-119-64434-7

The development of mechatronic and multidomain technological systems requires the dynamic behavior to be simulated before detailed CAD geometry is available. This book presents the fundamental concepts of multiphysics modeling with lumped parameters.

The approach adopted in this book, based on examples, is to start from the physical concepts, move on to the models and their numerical implementation, and finish with their analysis. With this practical problem-solving approach, the reader will gain a deep understanding of multiphysics modeling of mechatronic or technological systems – mixing mechanical power transmissions, electrical circuits, heat transfer devices and electromechanical or fluid power actuators.

Most of the book's examples are made using Modelica platforms, but they can easily be implemented in other 0D/1D multidomain physical system simulation environments such as Amesim, Simulink/Simscape, VHDL-AMS and so on.

26 Mb (RAR5, incl. 3% - info for restoration purpose)
Ying-Kit Choi - Principles of Applied Civil Engineering Design, Second Edition

American Society of Civil Engineers, 2017
pdf, 364 pages, english
ISBN 978-0-7844-1473-6 (print)
ISBN 978-0-7844-8055-7 (PDF)
ISBN 978-0-7844-8056-4 (ePUB)

rinciples of Applied Civil Engineering Design: Producing Drawings, Specifications, and Cost Estimates for Heavy Civil Projects walks engineers through standard practice and basic principles needed to prepare quality design and construction documents for a successful infrastructure project. Drawing on more than 30 years of engineering and design experience, Ying-Kit Choi helps readers understand the interrelationships among contract documents, site characterization, design and construction documents, and construction cost estimates. Choi introduces the fundamentals and process of applied engineering design, including the necessary field investigations to characterize a project site. He provides pragmatic guidance on the "how-to" of producing construction drawings, with advice on graphical representation; legends, abbreviations, and notes; drawing techniques and software; and certification of construction drawings. He offers a wealth of details on developing technical specifications, including good writing practices, types of construction specifications, the standardized Construction Specifications Institute format, measurement and payment provisions, and reference data. Chapters on cost estimating cover quantity estimates, pricing estimates, allowances and contingencies, and bid evaluation. A handy glossary defines common terms. This second edition reflects the rapid changes in the methods and tools used to produce design drawings, updating the discussions of presentation formats and technical resources. The 2014 Construction Specifications Institute format is introduced for use in preparing specifications and estimating construction costs. Nine chapters encourage readers to test their comprehension with example problems and solutions. By setting out the guidelines, principles, and philosophy needed to produce design and construction documents for heavy civil projects, Choi assembles an excellent introduction for civil engineering students and young professionals, as well as provides a valuable reference for experienced design engineers, contractors, and project owners.

9 Mb (RAR5, incl. 3% - info for restoration purpose)
Seongwoo Woo - Reliability Design of Mechanical Systems
A Guide for Mechanical and Civil Engineers
Second Edition

Springer, 2019
pdf, 476 pages, english
ISBN 978-981-13-7235-3

The revised edition of this book offers an expanded overview of the reliability design of mechanical systems and describes the reliability methodology, including a parametric accelerated life test (ALT) plan, a load analysis, a tailored series of parametric ALTs with action plans, and an evaluation of the final designs to ensure the design requirements are satisfied. It covers both the quantitative and qualitative approaches of the reliability design forming in the development process of mechanical products, with a focus on parametric ALT and illustrated via case studies. This new reliability methodology – parametric ALT should help mechanical and civil engineers to uncover design parameters improving product design and avoiding recalls. Updated chapters cover product recalls and assessment of their significance, modern definitions in reliability engineering, parametric accelerated life testing in mechanical systems, and extended case studies. For this revised edition, one new chapter has been introduced to reflect recent developments in analysis of fluid motion and mechanical vibration. Other chapters are expanded and updated to improve the explanation of topics including structures and load analysis, failure mechanics, design and reliability testing, and mechanical system failure. The broad scope gives the reader an overview of the state-of-the-art in the reliability design of mechanical systems and an indication of future directions and applications. It will serve as a solid introduction to the field for advanced students, and a valuable reference for those working in the development of mechanical systems and related areas.

19 Mb (RAR5, incl. 3% - info for restoration purpose)
John Tomczyk, Eugene Silberstein, Bill Whitman, Bill Johnson - Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technology, 8 Edition

Cengage Learning, 2016
pdf, 1730 pages, english
ISBN: 978-1-305-57829-6

Develop the knowledge and skills you need to maintain and troubleshoot today's complex heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration systems with REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING TECHNOLOGY, 8th Edition. This practical, easy-to-understand book provides hands-on guidance, practical applications, and the solid foundation you need to fully understand today's HVAC service and repair, its environmental challenges, and their solutions. Focused on sustainable technology in today's HVAC/R industry with an emphasis on new technologies and green awareness, the 8th Edition covers the latest advances in the industry and the all-important soft skills and customer relations issues that impact customer satisfaction and employment success. Memorable examples, more than 260 supporting photos, and unique Service Call features bring concepts to life and help you develop the critical skills you need for success in your future career. Now available with this text is The Complete HVAC Lab Manual, which features over 250 lab exercises, covering 15 topic areas. See the supplements section for more details.

153 Mb (RAR5, incl. 3% - info for restoration purpose)
Someone has this book, I could share it.

Analysis of Water Distribution Networks - PR Bhave and R. Gupta.


Мангушев Р.А., Усманов Р.А. - Механика грунтов. Решение практических задач

Юрайт, 2019
pdf, 109 pages, russian
ISBN: 978-5-534-08990-5

Учебное пособие посвящено основным положениям механики грунтов. Книга включает краткое изложение методики расчета по соответствующим разделам курса, примеры решения задач и варианты заданий по каждому разделу для самостоятельной работы студентов. Книга содержит большое количество таблиц и иллюстраций, которые помогут студентам лучше усвоить материалы учебного пособия. Соответствует актуальным требованиям Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта среднего профессионального образования и профессиональным требованиям.
Для студентов образовательных учреждений среднего профессионального образования.

1. Определение нормативных и расчетных значений характеристик грунтов
2. Определение напряжений в грунтах
3. Расчет оснований по несущей способности
4. Определение нижней границы сжимаемой толщи (активной зоны) грунта в основании фундаментов
5. Определение осадки фундаментов методом эквивалентного слоя
6. Определение осадки фундаментов методом линейно-деформируемого слоя
7. Определение осадки фундаментов с учетом загружения соседних фундаментов и площадей
8. Определение осадки жесткого фундамента во времени
9. Определение давления грунтов на ограждающие конструкции (подпорные стены)

Optical Satellite Signal Processing and Enhancement
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Learning to Understand Remote Sensing Images Volume 1
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Learning to Understand Remote Sensing Images Volume 2
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Yunus A. Cengel - Heat and Mass Transfer. Fundamental and Application. 2nd Edition.

2002 year
pdf, 1300 pages, english

This manual is prepared as an aide to the instructors in correcting homework assignments, but it can also be used as a source of additional example problems for use in the classroom. With this in mind, all solutions are prepared in full detail in a systematic manner, using a word processor with an equation editor. The solutions are structured into the following sections to make it easy to locate information and to follow the solution procedure, as appropriate:
Solution - The problem is posed, and the quantities to be found are stated.
Assumptions - The significant assumptions in solving the problem are stated.
Properties - The material properties needed to solve the problem are listed.
Analysis - The problem is solved in a systematic manner, showing all steps.
Discussion - Comments are made on the results, as appropriate.

= link.
7 Mb (RAR5, incl. 3% - info for restoration purpose)
Andreas Ochsner - Computational Statics and Dynamics, An Introduction Based on the Finite Element Method, 2 Edition

Springer, 2020
pdf, 616 pages, english
ISBN: 978-981-15-1277-3

This book is the 2nd edition of an introduction to modern computational mechanics based on the finite element method. It includes more details on the theory, more exercises, and more consistent notation; in addition, all pictures have been revised. Featuring more than 100 pages of new material, the new edition will help students succeed in mechanics courses by showing them how to apply the fundamental knowledge they gained in the first years of their engineering education to more advanced topics. In order to deepen readers’ understanding of the equations and theories discussed, each chapter also includes supplementary problems. These problems start with fundamental knowledge questions on the theory presented in the respective chapter, followed by calculation problems. In total, over 80 such calculation problems are provided, along with brief solutions for each. This book is especially designed to meet the needs of Australian students, reviewing the mathematics covered in their first two years at university. The 13-week course comprises three hours of lectures and two hours of tutorials per week.

20 Mb (RAR5, incl. 3% - info for restoration purpose)
Raphael Boulbes - Troubleshooting Finite-Element Modeling with Abaqus
With Application in Structural Engineering Analysis

Springer, 2020
pdf, 453 pages, english
ISBN: 978-3-030-26740-7

This book gives Abaqus users who make use of finite-element models in academic or practitioner-based research the in-depth program knowledge that allows them to debug a structural analysis model. The book provides many methods and guidelines for different analysis types and modes, that will help readers to solve problems that can arise with Abaqus if a structural model fails to converge to a solution. The use of Abaqus affords a general checklist approach to debugging analysis models, which can also be applied to structural analysis.

The author uses step-by-step methods and detailed explanations of special features in order to identify the solutions to a variety of problems with finite-element models. The book promotes:
• a diagnostic mode of thinking concerning error messages;
• better material definition and the writing of user material subroutines;
• work with the Abaqus mesher and best practice in doing so;
• the writing of user element subroutines and contact features with convergence issues; and
• consideration of hardware and software issues and a Windows HPC cluster solution.

The methods and information provided facilitate job diagnostics and help to obtain converged solutions for finite-element models regarding structural component assemblies in static or dynamic analysis. The troubleshooting advice ensures that these solutions are both high-quality and cost-effective according to practical experience.

The book offers an in-depth guide for students learning about Abaqus, as each problem and solution are complemented by examples and straightforward explanations. It is also useful for academics and structural engineers wishing to debug Abaqus models on the basis of error and warning messages that arise during finite-element modelling processing.

10 Mb (RAR5, incl. 3% - info for restoration purpose)
Very good library of valuable rear civil engineering books!!!
Chuanzhi Huang - Limit Analysis Theory of the Soil Mass and Its Application

Springer, 2020
pdf, 472 pages, english
ISBN: 978-981-15-1571-2

In the geotechnical engineering, stability is a key factor of the engineering success. It is one of long-term objectives for scientists and engineers to strive for limit analysis theories and methods on and for stability of the slope, ground bearing capacity, and soil pressure. For the port construction, it is developing toward the large-size and deep water areas. As the natural environment conditions, including ground, are relatively poor, it puts forward higher requirements for analysis and calculation theory on geotechnical engineering. The author and his colleagues work together to, based on the former work, make some progress by original study methods. Hereby, the study achievements are collated into a book, which is of great significance.

Main features of the book are described as follows: It provides the extremum condition of the yield function and regards it as one of fundamental equations so that one set of complete fundamental equations are available for the limit analysis, and it constitutes a complete limit equilibrium or variation issue. On this basis, a brand-new solution method—generalized limit equilibrium method—is provided, which can be mutually corroborated with limit equilibrium method, slip line method, and upper- and lower-bound plasticity analysis method. During the study on slope stability, it avoids such study model as solving the statically indeterminate problem by introducing assumptions, which is commonly applied in the classical methods; the proposed slope stability analysis method is more consummate, and the calculation results are more reliable. In the study on the ground bearing capacity, it solves not only the calculation problem on the ground bearing capacity of heterogeneous soil, but also the application scopes of calculation methods are more extensive. Therefore, all above are innovative achievements, and its brand-new limit equilibrium analysis theory is more scientific compared with the former work.

Another feature of the book is the close combination of the study and engineering practices, together with the stress on practical problems in the engineering. For example, the calculation method for the ground bearing capacity is established in consideration of port engineering features; for tens of engineering examples, different calculation methods are applied for the calculation and analysis, and it has verified that the proposed method is of extensive application prospects.

4 Mb (RAR5, incl. 3% - info for restoration purpose)
Holm Altenbach, Andreas Цchsner - Encyclopedia of Continuum Mechanics

Springer, 2020
pdf, 2837 pages, english
ISBN: 978-3-662-55770-9

This Encyclopedia covers the entire science of continuum mechanics including the mechanics of materials and fluids. The encyclopedia comprises mathematical definitions for continuum mechanical modeling, fundamental physical concepts, mechanical modeling methodology, numerical approaches and many fundamental applications. The modelling and analytical techniques are powerful tools in mechanical civil and areospsace engineering, plus in related fields of plasticity, viscoelasticity and rheology. Tensor-based and reference-frame-independent, continuum mechanics has recently found applications in geophysics and materials.

74 Mb (RAR5, incl. 3% - info for restoration purpose)
Mary Anderson William Woessner Randall Hunt - Applied Groundwater Modeling, 2nd Edition
Simulation of Flow and Advective Transport

Elsevier, 2015
pdf, 602 pages, english
ISBN: 978-0-120-58103-0

This second edition is extensively revised throughout with expanded discussion of modelling fundamentals and coverage of advances in model calibration and uncertainty analysis that are revolutionising the science of groundwater modelling. The text is intended for undergraduate and graduate level courses in applied groundwater modelling and as a comprehensive reference for environmental consultants and scientists/engineers in industry and governmental agencies.

Key Features
- Explains how to formulate a conceptual model of a groundwater system and translate it into a numerical model
- Demonstrates how modelling concepts, including boundary conditions, are implemented in two groundwater flow codes-- MODFLOW (for finite differences) and FEFLOW (for finite elements)
- Discusses particle tracking methods and codes for flowpath analysis and advective transport of contaminants
- Summaries parameter estimation and uncertainty analysis approaches using the code PEST to illustrate how concepts are implemented
- Discusses modelling ethics and preparation of the modelling report
- Includes Boxes that amplify and supplement topics covered in the text
- Each chapter presents lists of common modelling errors and problem sets that illustrate concepts

For graduate students and practising professionals in groundwater hydrology, civil engineers and environmental consultants, and scientists/engineers in industry and governmental agencies who deal with groundwater.

56 Mb (RAR5, incl. 3% - info for restoration purpose)
Robert Coppolino - The Integrated Test Analysis Process for Structural Dynamic Systems

Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2020
pdf, 166 pages, english
ISBN: 978-1-681-73681-5

Over the past 60 years, the U.S. aerospace community has developed, refined, and standardized an integrated approach to structural dynamic model verification and validation. One name for this overall approach is the Integrated Test Analysis Process (ITAP) for structural dynamic systems. ITAP consists of seven sequential tasks, namely: (1) definition of test article finite element models; (2) systematic modal test planning; (3) measured data acquisition; (4) measured data analysis; (5) experimental modal analysis; (6) systematic test-analysis correlation; and (7) reconciliation of finite element models and modal test data. Steps 1, 2, and 7 rely strictly on mathematical model disciplines, and steps 3 and 4 rely on laboratory disciplines and techniques. Current industry practice of steps 5 and 6 calls for interaction of mathematical model and laboratory disciplines, which compromises the objectivity of both modeling and laboratory disciplines. This book addresses technical content, strategies, and key relevant experiences related to all steps of ITAP, except for measured data acquisition which is the specialized domain of highly experienced laboratory professionals who contend with mechanical and electrical practicalities of instrumentation, excitation hardware, and data collection systems.

74 Mb (RAR5, incl. 3% - info for restoration purpose)
Levon Petrosian, Vladimir Ambartsumian - Static and Dynamic Analysis of Engineering Structures: Incorporating the Boundary Element Method

Wiley, 2020
pdf, 520 pages, english
ISBN: 978-1-119-59283-9

Static and Dynamic Analysis of Engineering Structures examines static and dynamic analysis of engineering structures for methodological and practical purposes. In one volume, the authors – noted engineering experts – provide an overview of the topic and review the applications of modern as well as classic methods of calculation of various structure mechanics problems. They clearly show the analytical and mechanical relationships between classical and modern methods of solving boundary value problems.

The first chapter offers solutions to problems using traditional techniques followed by the introduction of the boundary element methods. The book discusses various discrete and continuous systems of analysis. In addition, it offers solutions for more complex systems, such as elastic waves in inhomogeneous media, frequency-dependent damping and membranes of arbitrary shape, among others. Static and Dynamic Analysis of Engineering Structures is filled with illustrative examples to aid in comprehension of the presented material.

The book:
- Illustrates the modern methods of static and dynamic analysis of structures;
- Provides methods for solving boundary value problems of structural mechanics and soil mechanics;
- Offers a wide spectrum of applications of modern techniques and methods of calculation of static, dynamic and seismic problems of engineering design;
- Presents a new foundation model.

Written for researchers, design engineers and specialists in the field of structural mechanics, Static and Dynamic Analysis of Engineering Structures provides a guide to analyzing static and dynamic structures, using traditional and advanced approaches with real-world, practical examples.

5 Mb (RAR5, incl. 3% - info for restoration purpose)
Oliver O’Reilly - Intermediate Dynamics for Engineers: Newton-Euler and Lagrangian Mechanics, 2nd Edition

Cambridge University Press, 2020
pdf, 545 pages, english
ISBN: 978-1-108-49421-2

Suitable for both senior-level and first-year graduate courses, this fully revised edition provides a unique and systematic treatment of engineering dynamics that covers Newton-Euler and Lagrangian approaches. New to this edition are: two completely revised chapters on the constraints on, and potential energies for, rigid bodies, and the dynamics of systems of particles and rigid bodies; clearer discussion on coordinate singularities and their relation to mass matrices and configuration manifolds; additional discussion of contravariant basis vectors and dual Euler basis vectors, as well as related works in robotics; improved coverage of navigation equations; inclusion of a 350-page solutions manual for instructors, available online; a fully updated reference list. Numerous structured examples, discussion of various applications, and exercises covering a wide range of topics are included throughout, and source code for exercises, and simulations of systems are available online.

7 Mb (RAR5, incl. 3% - info for restoration purpose)
Benito Stradi-Granados - Cloud Computing for Engineering Applications

Springer, 2020
pdf, 384 pages, english
ISBN: 978-3-030-40444-4

This book explains the use of cloud computing systems for engineering applications to satisfy the need for enterprise level, state-of-the-art computational capacities at an affordable cost. As huge costs are involved in the maintenance and timely renovation of computational capabilities, particularly for projects that require significant computational capacity, cloud services can achieve considerable savings for users and organizations engaged in engineering research and development. Dr. Stradi-Granados explains how to extract a maximum value from every dollar invested in cloud computer server. The types of facilities located around the world that lease their resources to customers interested in reducing the internal overhead and implementation time. The volume features chapters on model generation, motion studies, and prototyping is ideal for students, researchers, practitioners, and facility's managers across a range of engineering domains.

30 Mb (RAR5, incl. 3% - info for restoration purpose)
James Wilkes - Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers, Third Edition
with Microfluidics, CFD, and COMSOL Multiphysics 5

Pearson, 2018
pdf, 807 pages, english
ISBN: 978-0-13-471282-6

Since most chemical processing applications are conducted either partially or totally in the fluid phase, chemical engineers need mastery of fluid mechanics. Such knowledge is especially valuable in the biochemical, chemical, energy, fermentation, materials, mining, petroleum, pharmaceuticals, polymer, and waste-processing industries.

Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers: with Microfluidics, CFD, and COMSOL Multiphysics 5, Third Edition, systematically introduces fluid mechanics from the perspective of the chemical engineer who must understand actual physical behavior and solve real-world problems. Building on the book that earned Choice Magazine’s Outstanding Academic Title award, this edition also gives a comprehensive introduction to the popular COMSOL Multiphysics 5 software.

This third edition contains extensive coverage of both microfluidics and computational fluid dynamics, systematically demonstrating CFD through detailed examples using COMSOL Multiphysics 5 and ANSYS Fluent. The chapter on turbulence now presents valuable CFD techniques to investigate practical situations such as turbulent mixing and recirculating flows.

Part I offers a clear, succinct, easy-to-follow introduction to macroscopic fluid mechanics, including physical properties; hydrostatics; basic rate laws; and fundamental principles of flow through equipment. Part II turns to microscopic fluid mechanics:
- Differential equations of fluid mechanics
- Viscous-flow problems, some including polymer processing
- Laplace’s equation; irrotational and porous-media flows
- Nearly unidirectional flows, from boundary layers to lubrication, calendering, and thin-film applications
- Turbulent flows, showing how the k-ε method extends conventional mixing-length theory
- Bubble motion, two-phase flow, and fluidization
- Non-Newtonian fluids, including inelastic and viscoelastic fluids
- Microfluidics and electrokinetic flow effects, including electroosmosis, electrophoresis, streaming potentials, and electroosmotic switching
- Computational fluid mechanics with ANSYS Fluent and COMSOL Multiphysics

Nearly 100 completely worked practical examples include 12 new COMSOL 5 examples: boundary layer flow, non-Newtonian flow, jet flow, die flow, lubrication, momentum diffusion, turbulent flow, and others. More than 300 end-of-chapter problems of varying complexity are presented, including several from University of Cambridge exams. The author covers all material needed for the fluid mechanics portion of the professional engineer’s exam.

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